# MetaMask

In order to bet BNB on Token Race, you need to install MetaMask -- the browser-based blockchain wallet.

# 1 - Install MetaMask

  1. Install MetaMaskopen in new window for your chosen browser
  2. Follow the instructions to create your first wallet. Make sure to save your private key in a safe & secure place!

# 2 - Switch to the Binance Smart Chain

Token Race uses the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) (instead of Ethereum) for it's low gas fees and fast transactions.

Click 'Connect Wallet' on Token Race website. MetaMask will automatically ask you to add/switch to the Binance Smart Chain network.

Click 'Approve' and then 'Switch Network' to start using BSC.

# 3 - Send BNB to your wallet

Now that your wallet is set up, you need some BNB to play with!

  1. Buy BNB on your preferred exchange
  2. Send it to your wallet address using the Binance Smart Chain network (NOT Ethereum)

Note: If you already have BNB on the Ethereum blockchain, or your exchange doesn't support withdrawing using the Binance Smart Chain, you can use the Binance Bridgeopen in new window to move it over.

# 4 - Deposit BNB into Token Race

The final step is to deposit BNB into your Token Race account so you can use it for betting.

  1. Click the 'Connect Wallet' button in the top-right of the Token Race website
  2. Make sure the Binance Smart Chain network is selected, as well as the wallet that contains your BNB
  3. Click the 'Deposit' button in the resulting modal and select how much BNB you want to be able to wager with
Last Updated: 9/22/2021, 9:26:24 PM